Call for closed panels and papers, EASST 2022

The call for panels for the 2022 EASST conference is now open. The conference will take place in Madrid, 6-9 July. The overall theme for the conference is ‘Politics of Technoscientific futures’. From the call text:

Recent years have been marked by uncertainty and instability, as the pandemic continues to disrupt lives and communities, transactions and supply chains, customs and rituals. Possible pathways to what we once called the future seem to open and close rapidly from one moment to the next. Constellations of rights and responsibilities – and sites of jurisdiction for defining them – shift daily in relation to new knowledge claims and accompanying uncertainties. Calls to seize the opportunity presented by this crisis abound across projects of techno-political transformation: 

Can we maintain the dramatic reduction of CO2 emissions that we witnessed during the height of the pandemic? Can scientists harness public optimism from vaccine breakthroughs and help quickly implement projects of bioeconomic transformation? Will this new perspective legitimate funding and creation of more public goods such as enlarged public green spaces and cycling infrastructures? Will governments and the private sector seize the opportunity to collaborate in creating new biopolitical regimes of data collection, knowledge, and control?

The call for open panels has already closed. Proposals for closed panels and paper abstracts is open until 1 February 2022. Check the conference website for more details about submissions and key dates.