FASoS Story Slam

Colleagues shared stories about working at FASoS. I shared my recollections of cold calling Wiebe Bijker in 1992. You can listen to the story here.

Sally Wyatt

Interview about ‘Invisible Women’

Interview with Maastricht University Library about the book ‘Invisible Women’ by Caroline Criado Perez

review of ‘Anthropology of Technology’

review of Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology

Lectures and presentations in 2022

summary of planned lectures and presentations during 2022

knitting citations

Gender divide in citation practices

Recently interviewed by Katie Dugan for Science Guide, about gendered citation practices, together with Aurélie Carlier.

Finding your way in STS

Watch Wiebe Bijker’s valedictory lecture, and read about what his colleagues made for him. Book and music.

Gala van de Wetenschap

Dutch celebration of science in 2021 focused on AI and Big Data.