Diversity at Maastricht University
There is lots of discussion about what diversity could and should mean, at Maastricht University and elsewhere. Observant, the independent newspaper of the university, has been doing a series of interviews on the topic. I took part, as did nine other colleagues from around the university. Riki Janssen and Cleo Freriks have written an article, including material from all of the interviews. This can be read in English here and in Dutch here.
We were all asked the same five questions:
- Do you think you can say what you want at the University?
- Do you feel you can be yourself, do you feel at home at the University?
- What do the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusivity’ mean to you?
- Is the university doing enough? What’s going well, and what could be better?
- What are the biggest obstacles to achieving a more diverse and inclusive university?
The University has a great Diversity & Inclusivity office. They help staff and students, develop policy, fund research, organise events and much more.