Lectures and presentations in 2024
14 March, Frankfurt – will be talking about AI to a group of alumni. This is part of the Maastricht University’s annual Star lectures.
25-26 April, Lund, Sweden – closing symposium for the project “Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door?”. My contribution was titled: ‘What do patients (need to) know about the use of digital technologies in their care?’
16-19 July, Amsterdam – EASST/4S conference. The winners of our second EASST creative writing competition were announced, and will be presented in the upcoming EASST Review.
17 October, online webinar – ”Talks on Science for Human Security: Artificial Intelligence” organized by the World Academy of Art & Science. I will focus on AI in healthcare. This webinar will be moderated by Smiljana Antonijević. Details about the programme, speakers and how to register can be found here.
6 November, Eindhoven – offering a pre-conference workshop on interdisciplinarity, for the ICAI Day about ‘Enhancing human interaction with AI’.
19 November, Delft – honoured to have been invited to moderate the final panel at the launch of the Feminist Generative AI Lab.
16-17 December, Maastricht – I will be taking part in a panel called “STS and the Law: Interdisciplinary Reflections”, organised by Marta Maroni and Anna Beckers. This panel is part of the annual Globalisation and Law Conference.