Wyatt, S. (2023). Caring for teeth. In E. Fourie & C. Hoene (Eds.) The Stories We Tell. Creative Nonfiction Accounts of Our Research. Maastricht University, pp.90-93.
Wyatt, S. (2023). Technological determinism. What it is and why it matters. In G. Robson & J. Tsou (Eds.) Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings. Routledge, pp. 26-33.
Gregory, K., Groth, P., Scharnhorst, A., & Wyatt, S. (2023). The mysterious user of research data: Knitting together Science and Technology Studies with Information and Computer Science. In K. Bijsterveld & A. Swinnen (Eds.) Interdisciplinarity by Example: Intervening in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan. pp.191-211.
Wyatt, S. (2022). Invisible work. In J. Nott & A. Harris (Eds.) Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge . Intellect. pp.267-271. (book was awarded the 2024 EASST Amsterdamska Award)
Wyatt, S. (2022). Objectivity, art and medical images. In J. Nott & A. Harris (Eds.) Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge. Intellect. pp.43-47. (book was awarded 2024 EASST Amsterdamska Award)
Wyatt, S. (2022). Critical (big) data studies. In D. Cressman (Ed.) The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg & the Philosophy of Technology. Springer. pp.127-142.
Nofal, E., Saaze, V. van & Wyatt, S. (2022). Online participatory design of heritage projects. In C. Rausch, Benschop, R., Sitzia, E. & Saaze, V. van (eds) Participatory practices in art and cultural heritage. Learning Through and from Collaboration. Springer. pp.83-98.
Wyatt, S. (2022). Interdisciplinarity. Models and values for digital humanism. In Werthner, H., E. Prem, E. Lee, & C. Ghezzi (eds) Perspectives on digital humanism. Springer VS (pp. 329-333).
Wyatt, S. (2021). Past and present metaphors of interaction and virtuality. In C. Ernst & J. Schröter (eds) (Re-)Imagining New Media. Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik. Springer. pp.7-14.
Wyatt, S. (2021). Stekkers/Electric plugs. In K. Bijsterveld (ed.) Uitgepakt/Unboxed. Instrumenten voor wetenschap en techniek in Centre Céramique/Instruments for science and technology in Centre Céramique. Uitgeverij Verloren (pp.74-77).
D Shanley, T Swierstra & S Wyatt (2020) Bildung in a digital world: The case of MOOCs. In M. Stocchetti (ed.) The digital age and its discontents. Critical reflections in education. Helsinki University Press (pp.211-234).
S Wyatt & L Leydesdorff (2019) ‘Ontology in science and technology studies’, in P Atkinson et al (eds) SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE.
S Wyatt (2019) ‘Worlds behind doors’, in K Bijsterveld (ed) On Expedition to the Past. Tips for Hidden-Gem Cultural Heritage Destinations. Maastricht University Press (pp.66-67).
M Noorman, B Wessels, T Sveinsdottir & S Wyatt (2018) ‘Understanding the “open” in making research data open: policy rhetoric and research practice’, in A Saetnan, I Schneider & N Green (eds) The Politics of Big Data. Big Data, Big Brother? Routledge (pp.292-318).
S Kelly, S Wyatt & A Harris (2018) ‘Mainstreaming genomics and personal genetic testing’, in S Gibbon, B Prainsack, S Hilgartner & J Lamoreaux (eds) Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society, Routledge (pp.32-38).
A Supper and S Wyatt (2017) ‘Dam builders: The game of SCOT’, in H van Lente, T Swierstra, S Wyatt and R Zeiss (eds) Wegwijs in STS. Knowing your way in STS, MUSTS (pp. 81-88).
S Wyatt, S Milojević, H Woo Park & L Leydesdorff (2017) ‘The intellectual and practical contributions of scientometrics to STS’, in U Felt, R Fouché, C Miller & L Doerr-Smith (eds) Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, 4th ed. The MIT Press (pp.87-112).
C Egher & S Wyatt (2016) ‘Testing Memory, Shifting Responsibility: Internet-Based (Self) Diagnostics of Alzheimer’s Disease’ in M Boenink, H van Lente & E Moors (eds) Emerging Technologies for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease – Innovating with Care, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.141-161) (book as whole winner of EASST 2018 Christopher Freeman Award).
I Sprenkels & S Wyatt (2016) ‘Makers of Media Wisdom: Translating and Guarding Media Wisdom in The Netherlands’ in I van der Ploeg & J Pridmore (eds) Digitizing Identities. Doing Identity in a Networked World, Routledge.
A Akdag Salah, A Scharnhorst & S Wyatt (2015) ‘Analysing an Academic Field through the Lens of Internet Science: Digital Humanities as a Virtual Community’, in T Tiropanis, A Vakali, L Sartori & P Burnap (eds) Internet Science, Second International Conference INSCI 2015, Brussels, Belgium May 27-29, Proceedings, LNCS 9089, Springer (pp. 78-89).
A Marktanner & S Wyatt (2013) ‘El Partido Pirata: jugueteando con la red para mejorar la democracia’ [translated from English: ‘The Pirate Party – tinkering with the web to enhance democracy’] in A Gómez Rodriguez and A Fco Canales Serrano (eds) Políticas Y Desarrollo Científico en el Siglo XX, Plaza Valdés Editores (pp.257-277).
S Wyatt, A Scharnhorst, A Beaulieu & P Wouters (2013) ‘Introduction – Virtual Knowledge’ in P Wouters et al. (eds) Virtual Knowledge. Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, The MIT Press (pp.1-23).
S Antonijević, S Dormans & S Wyatt (2013) ‘Working in virtual knowledge: Affective Labour in Scholarly Collaboration’ in P Wouters et al. (eds) Virtual Knowledge, The MIT Press (pp.57-88).
S Wyatt (2012) ‘Ethics of e-Research in Social Sciences and Humanities’ in D Heider & A Massanari (eds) Digital Ethics, Research and Practice, Peter Lang (pp.5-20).
S Wyatt, R Harris & N Wathen (2010) ‘Health(y) Citizenship: Technology, Work and Narratives of Personal Responsibility’ in R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (eds) Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.1-10).
R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (2010) ‘Working to be Healthy: Empowering Consumers or Citizens’ in R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (eds) Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.211-224).
S Wyatt (2010) ‘Challenging the digital imperative’ in K Bijsterveld (ed.) Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University, An Anthology of Inaugural Lectures, Universitaire Pers Maastricht (pp.147-174). [reprint of inaugural lecture of same title, 2008]
S Wyatt (2010) ‘Digitizing Social Sciences and Humanities: Global Challenges and Opportunities’, World Social Science Report, UNESCO & International Social Science Council (pp.303-306)
S Wyatt, F Henwood, A Hart & H Platzer (2010) ‘Transforming Health? The Internet and Everyday Life’ in G Murdock & P Golding (eds) Digital Dynamics: Engagements and Connections, Hampton Press (pp.3-22).
F Henwood & S Wyatt (2009) ‘All Change? Gender, Health and the Internet’ in E Balka, E Green & F Henwood (eds) Informing Gender? Health and Information Technologies in Context, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.17-33).
S Wyatt (2009) ‘Challenging the digital imperative’ in H Waalwijk & J Weterings (red.) Spreken is goud. Oraties en colleges van hoogleraren…en de archivistiek, Jaarboek 2008, Stichting Archiefpublicaties (pp.358-381). [reprint of inaugural lecture of same title, 2008]
S Wyatt, N Wathen & R Harris (2008) ‘The Go-Betweens: Health, Technology and Info(r)mediation’ in N Wathen, S Wyatt & R Harris (eds) Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.1-17).
N Wathen, R Harris & S Wyatt (2008) ‘Reflections on the Middle Space’ in N Wathen, S Wyatt & R Harris (eds) Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.182-193).
S Wyatt (2008) ‘Technological determinism is dead; Long live technological determinism’ in E Hackett, O Amsterdamska, M Lynch, & J Wajcman (eds) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, 3rd ed, The MIT Press (pp.165-80).
S Wyatt & F Henwood (2006) ‘”The best bones in the graveyard”: Risky technologies and risks in knowledge’ in C Timmerman & J Anderson (eds) Devices & Designs: Medical Innovation in Historical Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.231-48)
L Soete & S Wyatt (2006) ‘The use of foreign patenting as an internationally comparable science and technology output indicator’ in J Cantwell (ed.) The Economics of Patents, The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, vol.1, Edward Elgar [first published in Scientometrics January 1983: 31-54]
E Green, F Griffiths, F Henwood & S Wyatt (2006) ‘Desperately seeking certainty: Bone densitometry, the internet and healthcare contexts’ in A Webster (ed.) Innovative Health Technologies, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.71-83)
S Wyatt (2005) ‘Living in a network society: The imperative to connect’ in O Coutard, R Hanley & R Zimmerman (eds) Sustaining Urban Networks, The Social Diffusion of Large Technical Systems, Routledge (pp.135-148)
S Wyatt (2003) ‘Non-users also matter: The construction of users and non-users of the Internet’ in N Oudshoorn & T Pinch (eds) How Users Matter: The Co-construction of Users and Technology, MA: MIT Press (pp.67-79)
S Wyatt (2003) ‘Personal knowledge: Using autobiographical methods in technology studies’ in H Novotny (ed.) Jahrbuch 2002 des Collegium Helveticum, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich (pp.262-268)
S Wyatt, G Thomas & T Terranova (2002) ‘They came, they surfed, they went back to the beach: Conceptualising use and non-use of the Internet’ in S Woolgar (ed.) Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality, Oxford University Press (pp.23-40)
S Wyatt (2002) ‘C is for Convergence (and Communication, Content, and Competition)’ in R Mansell, R Samarajiva & A Mahan (eds) Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions and Intervention, Delft University Press (pp.228-231)
S Wyatt (2001) ‘Interview with Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat’ (pp.169-174) and ‘Part II, The Development of Technical Systems, Introduction’ (pp.233-236) both in P Goujon & B Hériard Dubreuil (eds) Technology and Ethics, A European Quest for Responsible Engineering, Peeters
S Wyatt (2001) ‘The Information Society? What it means to be out of the loop’ in E Pantzar, R Savolainen & P Tynjälä (eds) In Search For A Human-Centred Information Society, Tampere University Press (pp.9-25)
S Wyatt ‘Growing up in the belly of the beast’ (pp.77-90); J Cassidy & S Wyatt ‘Plugging into the Mother Country’ (pp.63-75); F Henwood, G Hughes, H Kennedy, N Miller & S Wyatt ‘Cyborg lives in context. Writing women’s technobiographies’ (pp.11-34) (2001) – all in F Henwood, H Kennedy & N Miller (eds) Cyborg Lives? Women’s Technobiographies, Raw Nerve
G Thomas & S Wyatt (2000) ‘Access is not the only problem: using and controlling the Internet’ in S Wyatt, F Henwood, N Miller & P Senker (eds) Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge (pp.21-45)
F Henwood, S Wyatt, N Miller & P Senker (2000) ‘Critical perspectives on technologies, in/equalities and the information society’ in S Wyatt, F Henwood, N Miller & P Senker (eds) Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge (pp.1-18)
S Wyatt (2000) ‘Talking about the future: Metaphors of the Internet’ in N Brown, B Rappert & A Webster (eds) Contested Futures, A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science, Ashgate (pp.109-126)
R Allen, N Miller & S Wyatt (2000) ‘New technologies and organizational behaviour’, in J Barry et al (eds) Organization and Management: A Critical Text, Business Press Thomson Learning
S Wyatt (1995) ‘Les nouvelles technologies de l’information dans l’univers domestique’, in C Freeman & H Mendras (eds) Le Paradigme informatique, technologies et evolutions sociales, Editions Descartes & Cie
G Bertin & S Wyatt (1994) ‘The conditions for multinational protection’ in J Cantwell (ed.) Transnational Corporations and Innovatory Activities, Routledge
S Wyatt (1991) ‘Networks and Flexibility for Government’, in R Traünmuller (ed.) Governmental and Municipal Information Systems II, Elsevier
S Wyatt (1990) ‘Networking the State: Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors’ in P Frissen & I Snellen (eds) Informatisation Strategies in Public Administration, Elsevier
F Henwood & S Wyatt (1987) ‘Managing Technical Change: Responses of Governments, Employers and Trade Unions’ in H Hartmann (ed.) Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women’s Employment, Volume II: Case Studies and Policy Perspectives, National Academy of Sciences
F Henwood & S Wyatt (1986) ‘Women’s work, technological change and shifts in the employment structure’ in R Martin and R Rowthorn (eds) The Geography of De-Industrialisation, Macmillan (pp.106-137).
C Zmroczek, S Wyatt & F Henwood (1985) ‘Women and Technology’ in G Ashworth & L Bonnerjea (eds) The Invisible Decade: UK Women in the UN Decade, 1976-1985, Gower (pp.121-132).