Publications by Sally Wyatt

Sally’s work has been published widely.

Sally has written books, edited volumes, special issues of journals, articles, book chapters and reports, mostly in English. Some work has been translated and/or published originally in Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian.

Complete List of Publications

by type, in reverse date order

Books & Special Issues of Journals

A Webster and S Wyatt (eds) (2020) Health, Technology and Society: Critical Inquiries, Palgrave Macmillan.

H van Lente, T Swierstra, S Wyatt and R Zeiss (eds) (2017) Wegwijs in STS. Knowing your way in STS, MUSTS.

A Harris, S Kelly and S Wyatt (2016) CyberGenetics: Health Genetics and New Media, Routledge. (winner of 2017 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness Book Prize)

D Dumitrica and S Wyatt (2015) Digital technologies and social transformation: What role for critical theory? Canadian Journal of Communication 40 (4) (guest editors of special issue)

A Harris, S Wyatt, B van Heur, and J Bier (2013) Participatory Knowledge Production 2.0: Critical Views and Experiences, Information, Communication & Society 16 (2) (guest editors of special issue)

P Wouters, A Beaulieu, A Scharnhorst and S Wyatt (eds) (2013) Virtual Knowledge, Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, The MIT Press.

R Harris, N Wathen and S Wyatt (eds) (2010) Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan.

N Wathen, S Wyatt and R Harris (eds) (2008) Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape, Palgrave Macmillan.

S Wyatt (2008) Inclusive e-Services, European Journal of ePractice, no. 3, May (guest editor of special issue).

S Wyatt and B Balmer (2007) Middle Range Theories in Science and Technology Studies, Science, Technology & Human Values, 32 (6) (guest editors of special issue)

S Wyatt, F Henwood, N Miller and P Senker (eds) (2000) Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge.

S Wyatt (1998) Technology’s Arrow, Developing Information Networks for Public Administration in Britain and the United States, Universitaire Pers Maastricht [PhD dissertation, available via UM library].

I Miles et al. (1990) Mapping and Measuring the Information Economy, British Library Report 77.

G Bertin and S Wyatt (1988) Multinationals and Industrial Property, The Control of the World’s Technology, Harvester Wheatsheaf (first published in French as Multinationales et propriété industrielle, le controle de la technologie mondiale, Presses Universitaires de France, 1986)

Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

Richterich, A., & Wyatt, S. (2024). Feminist automation: Can bots have feminist politics? New Media & Society, 26(9), 4973-4991. 

Lysen, F., & Wyatt, S. (2024). Refusing participation: hesitations about designing responsible patient engagement with artificial intelligence in healthcare. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1), 1–20.

Wyatt, S. (2023). A journey through STS and Innovation Studies. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 9(2), 107–111.

Wyatt, S. (2023). Data for “A Journey through STS and Innovation Studies.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. STS Infrastructures (Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography).

Wyatt, S. (2021). Metaphors in critical internet and digital media studies. New Media & Society, 23(2), 406-416.  

K Gregory, P Groth, A Scharnhorst and S Wyatt (2020) ‘Lost or Found? Discovering Data Needed for Research’, Harvard Data Science Review 2(2). DOI: 10.1162/99608f92.e38165eb

F Henwood and S Wyatt (2019) ‘Technology and In/equality, Questioning the Information Society (Almost) 20 Years Later’, Digital Culture & Society 5(1): 183-194. DOI: 10.14361/dcs-2019-0111

K Gregory, P Groth, H Cousijn, A Scharnhorst and S Wyatt (2019) ‘Searching Data: A Review of Observational Data Retrieval Practices in Selected Disciplines’, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70(5): 419-432. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24165

S Wyatt (2017) ‘Making policies for open data. Experiencing the technological imperative in the policy world’, Science, Technology and Human Values 42(2): 320-324.

S Wyatt (2016) ‘A computational turn in the humanities? A perspective from science and technology studies’, Journal of Siberian Federal University 2: 517-524.

S Wyatt, A Harris and S Kelly (2016) ‘Controversy goes online: Schizophrenia genetics on Wikipedia’, Science and Technology Studies 29(1): 13-29.

A Harris, S Kelly and S Wyatt (2015) ‘Autobiologies: Making sense of engagements with healthcare technologies’, Eä, Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology 7(2): 71-86.

D Dumitrica and S Wyatt (2015) ‘Digital technologies and social transformations: What role for critical theory?’, Canadian Journal of Communication 40 (4): 589-596.

A Meroño Peñuela, A Ashkpour, A Scharnhorst, C Guéret and S Wyatt (2015) ‘CEDAR, Linked Open Census Data’, DH Commons 1.

S Wyatt (2015) ‘Mode 2 in action. Working across sectors to create a Center for Humanities and Technology’, Scholarly and Research Communication 16 (4) Article ID 0401216

B Wessels, R Finn, P Linde, P Mazzetti, S Nativi, S Riley, R Smallwood, M Taylor, V Tsoukala, K Wadhwa and S Wyatt (2014) ‘Issues in the development of open access to research data’, Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation 32 (1): 49-66.

A Harris, S Kelly and S Wyatt (2014) ‘Autobiologies on YouTube: Narratives of direct-to-consumer genetic testing’, New Genetics & Society 33 (1): 60-78.

M van Wesel, S Wyatt and J ten Haaf (2014) ‘What a difference a colon makes: how superficial factors influence subsequent citation’, Scientometrics 98: 1601-1615.

S Wyatt, A Harris, S Adams and S Kelly (2013) ‘Illness Online: Self-reported data and questions of trust in medical and social research’, Theory, Culture & Society 30 (4): 128-147.

S Wyatt, J Bier, A Harris and B van Heur (2013) ‘Participatory knowledge production 2.0: Critical views and experiences’, Information, Communication & Society 16(2): 153-159.

A Harris, S Wyatt and S Kelly (2013) ‘The gift of spit (and the obligation to return it): How consumers of online genetic testing services participate in research’, Information, Communication & Society 16(2): 236-257.

A Harris, S Kelly and S Wyatt (2013) ‘Counseling Customers: Emerging Roles for Genetic Counselors in the Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Market’, Journal of Genetic Counseling 22(2): 277-288.

B van Heur, L Leydesdorff and S Wyatt (2013) ‘Turning to Ontology in STS? Turning to STS through ‘Ontology’’, Social Studies of Science 43(3): 341-362.

S Wyatt (2010) ‘Les non-usagers de l’Internet. Axes de recherche passés et futurs’, Questions de communication 18: 21-36.

P Peters, S Kloppenburg and S Wyatt (2010) ‘Coordinating passages. Understanding the resources needed for everyday mobility’, Mobilities 5(3): 349-68.

N van Doorn, S Wyatt and L van Zoonen (2008) ‘A body of text: Revisiting textual performances of gender and sexuality on the internet’, Feminist Media Studies 8(4): 357-74. [reprinted in Mary Celeste Kearney (ed.) (2011) The Gender and Media Reader, New York & London: Routledge, pp.423-435]

S Wyatt (2008) ‘Feminism, technology and the information society: Learning from the past, imagining the future’, Information, Communication & Society 11(1): 111-30.

S Wyatt and B Balmer (2007) ‘Home on the range: What and where is the middle in science and technology studies?’, Science, Technology & Human Values, 32, 6: 619-26.

N van Doorn, L van Zoonen and S Wyatt (2007) ‘Writing from experience: Presentations of gender identity on weblogs’, European Journal of Women’s Studies 14(2): 143-58.

S Wyatt, F Henwood, A Hart and J Smith (2005) ‘The digital divide, health information and everyday life’, New Media and Society 7(2): 199-218.

A Hart, F Henwood and S Wyatt (2004) ‘The role of the Internet in patient-practitioner relationships: Findings from a qualitative research study’, Journal of Medical Internet Research 6(3): e36.

S Wyatt (2004) ‘Danger! Metaphors at work in economics, geophysiology and the Internet’, Science, Technology & Human Values 29(2): 242-61. [translated into Russian, and published in Sociology of Power, 2012, 8: 144-166. Салли Уайет (Sally Wyatt). Будьте бдительны: работа метафор в экономике, геофизиологии и дискуссиях об интернете. Translated by Eugenia Popova and Ivan Napreenko, оциология власти, № 8 (2012) Власть и коммуникация].

S Wyatt, F Henwood, A Hart and H Platzer (2004) ‘L’extension des territoires du patient: Internet et santé au quotidien’, Sciences Sociales et Santé 22(1): 45-68.

F Henwood, S Wyatt, A Hart and J Smith (2003) ‘”Ignorance is bliss sometimes”: Constraints on the emergence of the informed patient in the changing landscapes of health information’, Sociology of Health and Illness 25(6): 589-607. [This article was selected for a virtual special issue of Sociology of Health and Illness. The aim of this special issue is to highlight 19 key papers published in the journal over the last 25 years on ‘Sociological Perspectives on the internet, health and illness’.]

S Wyatt, F Henwood, A Hart and J Smith (2003) ‘De digitale tweedeling: Internet, gezondheidsinformatie en het dagelijks leven’, Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 30(1&2): 254-73

F Henwood, S Wyatt, A Hart and J Smith (2002) ‘Turned on or Turned off? Accessing Health Information on the Internet’, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 14(2): 79-90.

S Wyatt (2000) ‘ICT in Central Government: Learning from the Past’, International Journal of Innovation Management 4(4): 391-416.

F Henwood and S Wyatt (2000) ‘Persistent Inequalities? Gender and Technology in the Year 2000’, Feminist Review 64(Spring): 128-31.

G Thomas and S Wyatt (1999) ‘Shaping cyberspace – interpreting and transforming the Internet’, Research Policy 28(7): 681-98.

I Snellen and S Wyatt (1993) ‘Blurred Partitions but Thicker Walls: Involving Citizens in Computer Supported Cooperative Work for Public Administration’, Computer Supported Cooperative Work 1: 277-93.

S Wyatt (1992) ‘Tijdsregistratie bij huishoudelijk werk: winst en verlies voor vrouwen’ (Timebudget surveys in heterosexual households: gains and losses for women), Mens en maatschappij 2: 106-27.

S Wyatt (1990) ‘Understanding IT innovation in public services’, Information Age 12(1): 3-8.

J Gershuny, I Miles, S Jones, C Mullings, G Thomas and S Wyatt (1986) ‘Time Budgets: Preliminary Analyses of a National Survey’, Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs 2(1): 13-39 (awarded 1986 QJSA Medal).

S Wyatt with G Bertin and K Pavitt (1985) ‘Patents and multinational corporations: Results from questionnaires’, World Patent Information 7(3): 196-212.

S Wyatt (1985) ‘Il ruolo delle piccole imprese nell’attivita innovativa: un’unalisi del caso inglesa’, Economia e Politica Industriale 45(marzo): 47-82.

L Soete and S Wyatt (1983) ‘The use of foreign patenting as an internationally comparable science and technology output indicator’, Scientometrics 5(1): 31-54. [reprinted in John Cantwell (2006) (ed.) The Economics of Patents, The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, vol.1, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar].

Journal Articles (not peer reviewed)

Cozza, M., Klimburg-Witjes, N. & Wyatt, S. (2022). First-ever poetry, flash fiction and short story competition… introducing the winners. EASST Review 42(2): 58-59.

Egher, C. & Wyatt, S. (2021). Writing life no.6: An interview with Sally Wyatt. Somatosphere. Science, Medicine, and Anthropology, 29 January.

A Harris, S Wyatt, A Wojcik, H van Lente and J Nott (2020) Thumbnail sketches: Learning the worlds of others through collaborative imaginative ethnography. Journal of the American Anthropological Association.

J Allmendinger, J Stamm and S Wyatt (2013) ‘Laying the ground for true interdisciplinarity – Engaging the social sciences and humanities across Horizon 2020’, Forschung: Politik – Strategie – Management 6 (3/4): 92-94.

B van Heur, R Brand, A Karvonen, S Guy and S Wyatt (2009) ‘Urban Laboratories: Towards an STS of the Built Environment’, EASST Review 28(4). (available online at:

S Wyatt (2009) ‘Science and technology: socialising what for whom?’ (comment), JCOM – Journal of Science Communication 8(3). Available online.

S Wyatt (2008) ‘Introduction: Inclusive e-Services’, European Journal of ePractice 3: 2. (

B Balmer and S Wyatt (2006) ‘Middle-range theories in science and technology studies’, EASST Review 25(1): 3-6 (also available online:

A Hart, F Henwood and S Wyatt (2004) ‘Information at your fingertips’, Public Services Review: Health. Spring: 32-3.

S Wyatt (2004) ‘More information, better health?’, i4d, Information for Development II(3): 10-11.

I Miles and S Wyatt (1995) ‘Demand for applications within service industries’, Advanced Technology Assessment System, IT for Development 10, Autumn: 172-83.

S Wyatt (1992) ‘From Bonn to Berlin and back again. Comment on “Telecooperation and telepresence: Technical challenges of a government distributed between Bonn and Berlin” by P Hoschka, B Butscher and N Streitz’, Informatization and the Public Sector 2(4): 301-4.

Book Chapters

Wyatt, S. (2023). Caring for teeth. In E. Fourie & C. Hoene (Eds.) The Stories We Tell. Creative Nonfiction Accounts of Our Research. Maastricht University, pp.90-93.

Wyatt, S. (2023). Technological determinism. What it is and why it matters. In G. Robson & J. Tsou (Eds.) Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings. Routledge, pp. 26-33.

Gregory, K., Groth, P., Scharnhorst, A., & Wyatt, S. (2023). The mysterious user of research data: Knitting together Science and Technology Studies with Information and Computer Science. In K. Bijsterveld & A. Swinnen (Eds.) Interdisciplinarity by Example: Intervening in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan. pp.191-211.

Wyatt, S. (2022). Invisible work. In J. Nott & A. Harris (Eds.) Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge . Intellect. pp.267-271. (book was awarded the 2024 EASST Amsterdamska Award)

Wyatt, S. (2022). Objectivity, art and medical images. In J. Nott & A. Harris (Eds.) Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge. Intellect. pp.43-47. (book was awarded 2024 EASST Amsterdamska Award)

Wyatt, S. (2022). Critical (big) data studies. In D. Cressman (Ed.) The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg & the Philosophy of Technology. Springer. pp.127-142.

Nofal, E., Saaze, V. van & Wyatt, S. (2022). Online participatory design of heritage projects. In C. Rausch, Benschop, R., Sitzia, E. & Saaze, V. van (eds) Participatory practices in art and cultural heritage. Learning Through and from Collaboration. Springer. pp.83-98.

Wyatt, S. (2022). Interdisciplinarity. Models and values for digital humanism. In Werthner, H., E. Prem, E. Lee, & C. Ghezzi (eds) Perspectives on digital humanism. Springer VS (pp. 329-333).

Wyatt, S. (2021). Past and present metaphors of interaction and virtuality. In C. Ernst & J. Schröter (eds) (Re-)Imagining New Media. Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik. Springer. pp.7-14.

Wyatt, S. (2021). Stekkers/Electric plugs. In K. Bijsterveld (ed.) Uitgepakt/Unboxed. Instrumenten voor wetenschap en techniek in Centre Céramique/Instruments for science and technology in Centre Céramique. Uitgeverij Verloren (pp.74-77).

D Shanley, T Swierstra & S Wyatt (2020) Bildung in a digital world: The case of MOOCs. In M. Stocchetti (ed.) The digital age and its discontents. Critical reflections in education. Helsinki University Press (pp.211-234).

S Wyatt & L Leydesdorff (2019) ‘Ontology in science and technology studies’, in P Atkinson et al (eds) SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE.

S Wyatt (2019) ‘Worlds behind doors’, in K Bijsterveld (ed) On Expedition to the Past. Tips for Hidden-Gem Cultural Heritage Destinations. Maastricht University Press (pp.66-67).

M Noorman, B Wessels, T Sveinsdottir & S Wyatt (2018) ‘Understanding the “open” in making research data open: policy rhetoric and research practice’, in A Saetnan, I Schneider & N Green (eds) The Politics of Big Data. Big Data, Big Brother? Routledge (pp.292-318).

S Kelly, S Wyatt & A Harris (2018) ‘Mainstreaming genomics and personal genetic testing’, in S Gibbon, B Prainsack, S Hilgartner & J Lamoreaux (eds) Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society, Routledge (pp.32-38).

A Supper and S Wyatt (2017) ‘Dam builders: The game of SCOT’, in H van Lente, T Swierstra, S Wyatt and R Zeiss (eds) Wegwijs in STS. Knowing your way in STS, MUSTS (pp. 81-88).

S Wyatt, S Milojević, H Woo Park & L Leydesdorff (2017) ‘The intellectual and practical contributions of scientometrics to STS’, in U Felt, R Fouché, C Miller & L Doerr-Smith (eds) Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, 4th ed.  The MIT Press (pp.87-112).

C Egher & S Wyatt (2016) ‘Testing Memory, Shifting Responsibility: Internet-Based (Self) Diagnostics of Alzheimer’s Disease’ in M Boenink, H van Lente & E Moors (eds) Emerging Technologies for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease – Innovating with Care, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.141-161) (book as whole winner of EASST 2018 Christopher Freeman Award).

I Sprenkels & S Wyatt (2016) ‘Makers of Media Wisdom: Translating and Guarding Media Wisdom in The Netherlands’ in I van der Ploeg & J Pridmore (eds) Digitizing Identities. Doing Identity in a Networked World, Routledge.

A Akdag Salah, A Scharnhorst & S Wyatt (2015) ‘Analysing an Academic Field through the Lens of Internet Science: Digital Humanities as a Virtual Community’, in T Tiropanis, A Vakali, L Sartori & P Burnap (eds) Internet Science, Second International Conference INSCI 2015, Brussels, Belgium May 27-29, Proceedings, LNCS 9089, Springer (pp. 78-89).

A Marktanner & S Wyatt (2013) ‘El Partido Pirata: jugueteando con la red para mejorar la democracia’ [translated from English: ‘The Pirate Party – tinkering with the web to enhance democracy’] in A Gómez Rodriguez and A Fco Canales Serrano (eds) Políticas Y Desarrollo Científico en el Siglo XX,  Plaza Valdés Editores (pp.257-277).

S Wyatt, A Scharnhorst, A Beaulieu & P Wouters (2013) ‘Introduction – Virtual Knowledge’ in P Wouters et al. (eds) Virtual Knowledge. Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, The MIT Press (pp.1-23).

S Antonijević, S Dormans & S Wyatt (2013) ‘Working in virtual knowledge: Affective Labour in Scholarly Collaboration’ in P Wouters et al. (eds) Virtual Knowledge, The MIT Press (pp.57-88).

S Wyatt (2012) ‘Ethics of e-Research in Social Sciences and Humanities’ in D Heider & A Massanari (eds) Digital Ethics, Research and Practice, Peter Lang (pp.5-20).

S Wyatt, R Harris & N Wathen (2010) ‘Health(y) Citizenship: Technology, Work and Narratives of Personal Responsibility’ in R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (eds) Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.1-10).

R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (2010) ‘Working to be Healthy: Empowering Consumers or Citizens’ in R Harris, N Wathen & S Wyatt (eds) Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.211-224).

S Wyatt (2010) ‘Challenging the digital imperative’ in K Bijsterveld (ed.) Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University, An Anthology of Inaugural Lectures, Universitaire Pers Maastricht (pp.147-174). [reprint of inaugural lecture of same title, 2008]

S Wyatt (2010) ‘Digitizing Social Sciences and Humanities: Global Challenges and Opportunities’, World Social Science Report, UNESCO & International Social Science Council (pp.303-306)

S Wyatt, F Henwood, A Hart & H Platzer (2010) ‘Transforming Health? The Internet and Everyday Life’ in G Murdock & P Golding (eds) Digital Dynamics: Engagements and Connections, Hampton Press (pp.3-22).

F Henwood & S Wyatt (2009) ‘All Change? Gender, Health and the Internet’ in E Balka, E Green & F Henwood (eds) Informing Gender? Health and Information Technologies in Context, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.17-33).

S Wyatt (2009) ‘Challenging the digital imperative’ in H Waalwijk & J Weterings (red.) Spreken is goud. Oraties en colleges van hoogleraren…en de archivistiek, Jaarboek 2008, Stichting Archiefpublicaties (pp.358-381). [reprint of inaugural lecture of same title, 2008]

S Wyatt, N Wathen & R Harris (2008) ‘The Go-Betweens: Health, Technology and Info(r)mediation’ in N Wathen, S Wyatt & R Harris (eds) Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.1-17).

N Wathen, R Harris & S Wyatt (2008) ‘Reflections on the Middle Space’ in N Wathen, S Wyatt & R Harris (eds) Mediating Health Information: The Go-Betweens in a Changing Socio-Technical Landscape, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.182-193).

S Wyatt (2008) ‘Technological determinism is dead; Long live technological determinism’ in E Hackett, O Amsterdamska, M Lynch, & J Wajcman (eds) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, 3rd ed, The MIT Press (pp.165-80).

S Wyatt & F Henwood (2006) ‘”The best bones in the graveyard”: Risky technologies and risks in knowledge’ in C Timmerman & J Anderson (eds) Devices & Designs: Medical Innovation in Historical Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.231-48)

L Soete & S Wyatt (2006) ‘The use of foreign patenting as an internationally comparable science and technology output indicator’ in J Cantwell (ed.) The Economics of Patents, The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, vol.1, Edward Elgar [first published in Scientometrics January 1983: 31-54]

E Green, F Griffiths, F Henwood & S Wyatt (2006) ‘Desperately seeking certainty: Bone densitometry, the internet and healthcare contexts’ in A Webster (ed.) Innovative Health Technologies, Palgrave Macmillan (pp.71-83)

S Wyatt (2005) ‘Living in a network society: The imperative to connect’ in O Coutard, R Hanley & R Zimmerman (eds) Sustaining Urban Networks, The Social Diffusion of Large Technical Systems, Routledge (pp.135-148)

S Wyatt (2003) ‘Non-users also matter: The construction of users and non-users of the Internet’ in N Oudshoorn & T Pinch (eds) How Users Matter: The Co-construction of Users and Technology, MA: MIT Press (pp.67-79)

S Wyatt (2003) ‘Personal knowledge: Using autobiographical methods in technology studies’ in H Novotny (ed.) Jahrbuch 2002 des Collegium Helveticum, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich (pp.262-268)

S Wyatt, G Thomas & T Terranova (2002) ‘They came, they surfed, they went back to the beach: Conceptualising use and non-use of the Internet’ in S Woolgar (ed.) Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality, Oxford University Press (pp.23-40)

S Wyatt (2002) ‘C is for Convergence (and Communication, Content, and Competition)’ in R Mansell, R Samarajiva & A Mahan (eds) Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions and Intervention, Delft University Press (pp.228-231)

S Wyatt (2001) ‘Interview with Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat’ (pp.169-174) and ‘Part II, The Development of Technical Systems, Introduction’ (pp.233-236) both in P Goujon & B Hériard Dubreuil (eds) Technology and Ethics, A European Quest for Responsible Engineering, Peeters

S Wyatt (2001) ‘The Information Society? What it means to be out of the loop’ in E Pantzar, R Savolainen & P Tynjälä (eds) In Search For A Human-Centred Information Society, Tampere University Press (pp.9-25)

S Wyatt ‘Growing up in the belly of the beast’ (pp.77-90); J Cassidy & S Wyatt ‘Plugging into the Mother Country’ (pp.63-75); F Henwood, G Hughes, H Kennedy, N Miller & S Wyatt ‘Cyborg lives in context. Writing women’s technobiographies’ (pp.11-34) (2001) – all in F Henwood, H Kennedy & N Miller (eds) Cyborg Lives? Women’s Technobiographies, Raw Nerve

G Thomas & S Wyatt (2000) ‘Access is not the only problem: using and controlling the Internet’ in S Wyatt, F Henwood, N Miller & P Senker (eds) Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge (pp.21-45)

F Henwood, S Wyatt, N Miller & P Senker (2000) ‘Critical perspectives on technologies, in/equalities and the information society’ in S Wyatt, F Henwood, N Miller & P Senker (eds) Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge (pp.1-18)

S Wyatt (2000) ‘Talking about the future: Metaphors of the Internet’ in N Brown, B Rappert & A Webster (eds) Contested Futures, A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science, Ashgate (pp.109-126)

R Allen, N Miller & S Wyatt (2000) ‘New technologies and organizational behaviour’, in J Barry et al (eds) Organization and Management: A Critical Text, Business Press Thomson Learning

S Wyatt (1995) ‘Les nouvelles technologies de l’information dans l’univers domestique’, in C Freeman & H Mendras (eds) Le Paradigme informatique, technologies et evolutions sociales, Editions Descartes & Cie

G Bertin & S Wyatt (1994) ‘The conditions for multinational protection’ in J Cantwell (ed.) Transnational Corporations and Innovatory Activities, Routledge

S Wyatt (1991) ‘Networks and Flexibility for Government’, in R Traünmuller (ed.) Governmental and Municipal Information Systems II, Elsevier

S Wyatt (1990) ‘Networking the State: Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors’ in P Frissen & I Snellen (eds) Informatisation Strategies in Public Administration, Elsevier

F Henwood & S Wyatt (1987) ‘Managing Technical Change: Responses of Governments, Employers and Trade Unions’ in H Hartmann (ed.) Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women’s Employment, Volume II: Case Studies and Policy Perspectives, National Academy of Sciences

F Henwood & S Wyatt (1986) ‘Women’s work, technological change and shifts in the employment structure’ in R Martin and R Rowthorn (eds) The Geography of De-Industrialisation, Macmillan (pp.106-137).

C Zmroczek, S Wyatt & F Henwood (1985) ‘Women and Technology’ in G Ashworth & L Bonnerjea (eds) The Invisible Decade: UK Women in the UN Decade, 1976-1985, Gower (pp.121-132).


Sally Wyatt, Nilam Khalil, Ellen Bastiaens, Matthijs Bosveld, Sjoerd Claessens, Katleen Gabriels, Mark Govers, Anna-Lena Hoh, Marieta Keurentjes, Dominik Mahr, Jerry Spanakis & Claudia Spierings (2023) Building an ethical, empowered, and value-driven academic digital horizon: UM’s 2030 Digitalisation Vision. Maastricht University. (63pp).

Aurélie Carlier, Hang Nguyen, Lidwien Hollanders, Nicole Basaraba, Sally Wyatt & Sharon Anyango (2022) UM Citation Guide. A Guide by FEM. Maastricht University. (12pp).

Neuhold, C., Bosse, G., & Wyatt, S. (2021). Keep on moving forward together. Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS). Maastricht University. 43 pages.

NWO ICT Subcommittee of Permanent Committee for Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructure (Sally Wyatt, chair, Patrick van Beers, Henk Dijkstra, Erik Fledderus, Bernard de Geus, Wilco Hazeleger, José de Kruif, Joeri van Leeuwen, Andrea Scharnhorst, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, Jacob de Vlieg with Tom Bakker, Ilse Koning) (2017) Excellent research requires excellent infrastructure. Advisory report on the national digital infrastructure for scientific research. Den Haag: NWO (available in both Dutch and English) (45 pp).

NWO Permanent Committee for Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructure (H van Duijn, K Aarts, G Beenker, E van Dishoeck, A van Kamenade, JW Kelder, F Kuipers, F Linde, I Sommer, T Sixma, A Stankiewicz, S Wyatt) (2016) National Roadmap Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructure. Den Haag: NWO. (simultaneously published in Dutch) (126 pp).

G Boulton, D Babini, S Hodson, J Li, T Marwala, M Musoke, P Uhlir & S Wyatt (2015) Open Data in a Big Data World, An International Accord, Paris: Science International (short version: 4 pp; long version: 16 pp).

V Tsoukala, M Angelaki, V Kalaitzi, B Wessels, L Price, M Taylor, R Smallwood, P Linde, J Sondervan, S Reilly, M Noorman, S Wyatt, L Bigagli, R Finn, T Sveinsdottir, K Wadhwa (2015) Policy guidelines for open access and data dissemination and preservation. London: Trilateral (57 pp).

S Wyatt & D Millen (eds) (2014) Meaning and Perspectives in the Digital Humanities. A White Paper for the establishment of a Center for Humanities and Technology (CHAT). Amsterdam: KNAW (56 pp).

Allmendinger, J, Stamm, J & Wyatt, S (2013) The EU and research in the social sciences and humanities, WZB Mitteilungen 142: 39-40.

Passi, S. & Wyatt, S. (2013) Overview of Online Privacy, Reputation, Trust, and Identity Mechanisms Deliverable 5.1 for Network of Excellence in Internet Science, FP7-288021 (103 pp).

Meyer, E.T., Bulger, M., Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, A., Power, L., Williams, P., Venters, W., Terras, M. & Wyatt, S. (2011) Collaborative yet independent. Information practices in the physical sciences. London: Research Information Network & Institute of Physics (100 pp).

Bulger, M., Meyer, E.T., de la Flor, G., Terras, M., Wyatt, S., Jirotka, M., Eccles, K. & Madsen, C. (2011) Reinventing research? Information practices in the humanities. London: Research Information Network (84 pp).

Dougherty, M., Meyer, E.T., Madsen, C., van den Heuvel, C., Thomas, A. & Wyatt, S. (2010). Researcher Engagement with Web Archives: State of the Art. London: JISC (38 pp).

Thomas, A., Meyer, E.T., Dougherty, M., van den Heuvel, C., Madsen, C. & Wyatt, S. (2010). Researcher Engagement with Web Archives: Challenges and Opportunities for Investment. London: JISC (39 pp).

MASiS Expert Group (Karen Siune, Eszter Marcus, Marina Calloni, Ulrike Felt, Andrzej Gorski, Armin Grunwald, Arie Rip, Vladimir de Semir, Sally Wyatt) (2009) Challenging Futures of Science in Society, Emerging trends and cutting-edge issues. Brussels: European Commission (74 pp).

M Bauer, S French, N Miller, S Schaffer & S Wyatt (2009) Research Review: Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London, London (6 pp).

F Henwood, S Wyatt & J Eve (2009) Evaluation of the e-Society Research Programme, Final Report, Report to UK Economic & Social Research Council (88 pp).

F Henwood, E Green & S Wyatt (2007) Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare, An International Research Connections Workshop, Report to UK Economic & Social Research Council and the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (34 pp).

S Kloppenburg, P Peters & S Wyatt (2007) De reiziger tussen project en passage. Een nieuwe kijk op hypermobiliteit, prepared for Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer van Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (131 pp).

J Theeuwes, J van Dijk & S Wyatt (2007) Maatschappij en de Elektronische Snelweg, Rapportage Evaluatie Externe Commissie, prepared for NWO (20 pp).

U Felt & S Wyatt (2006) ‘Mapping Science in Society Research in Europe’, prepared for European Commission, DG Research, Brussels (72 pp).

F Henwood & S Wyatt (2004) ‘Evaluating ICTs in Healthcare. “Fellowship in Comparative and Evaluative Analysis” Report’, Innovative Health Technologies Programme, York, England (22 pp).

S Wyatt, H Marjanen, T Svendsen & O Kallioinen (2002) ‘Information Research Programme 1997-2001, Evaluation Report’, publications of the Academy of Finland 9/02, Helsinki.

S Wyatt (2000) ‘Information and Communication Technologies and Convergence: A Critical Perspective’ prepared for CONVERGE Project, ‘Strategies and policies for systemic interaction and convergence in Europe’, TSER Programme/DGXII, European Commission, Brussels (16 pp).

S Wyatt (2000) ‘Future of the Internet workshop report’, London, January (Also in Virtual Society? Profile 2000, Swindon: ESRC (pp. 34-38).

S Wyatt (1999) Multimedia and ICTs Research Review: Disadvantaged/Vulnerable Groups prepared for the Health Education Authority, London (21 pp).

S Wyatt (1994) Information Technology and Public Services prepared for the IT Strategy Unit of the Industrial Policy Directorate, DGIII of the European Commission, Brussels (59 pp).

S Wyatt (1990) IT Statistics in Public Administration prepared for OECD, Paris.

I Miles & S Wyatt (1990) Service Trade and the Information Economy prepared for UNCTAD, Geneva.

I Miles & S Wyatt (1989) New South Wales Information Technology Policy – A Commentary prepared for The Centre for Technology and Social Change, Wollongong, Australia.

S Wyatt (1986) Industrial Property Protection and Technological Innovation prepared for UNCTAD, Geneva.

I Miles & S Wyatt (1985) Online Scientific and Technological Information Services: A Case of ‘Information Overload and Information Underuse’? prepared for UNU, Tokyo.

G Thomas, S Wyatt & I Miles (1985) Preliminary Analysis of the ESRC 1983/4 Time Budget Data prepared for the ESRC, London.