Teaching and PhD Supervision

Sally Wyatt is Professor of Digital Cultures at Maastricht University.

Sally has many years of teaching experience. She was the founding  Programme Director for the BA Digital Society, which accepted its first students in 2019. She also supervises master and PhD dissertations on a variety of topics related to STS and/or the digital.

More than 40 years experience in teaching and research

PhD supervision and examination

Francis Saa-Dittoh, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, provisional title: From Radio to AI, African Community-driven Development of Sustainable Information Systems. (co-supervisors: Hans Akkermans, Victor de Boer and Anna Bon)

Nurul Khansa Fauziyah, Maastricht University, provisional title: Poverty porn on YouTube: Affecting class consciousness of ‘poor viewers’ within philanthropic culture. (co-supervisor: Mahardhika Sjamsoeoed Sadjad) (funded by Indonesia Bangkit Scholarshi/LPDP Kemenag (Ministry of Religion of The Republic of Indonesia))  

Vivek Oak, Maastricht University, provisional title: Symmetrical studies of symbolic and material algorithmic modes of Indian handloom weaving

Daniella Pauly Jensen, Maastricht University, provisional title: Diversity and bias in AI and content. (co-supervisor: Annika Richterich) (part of TAIM ICAI Lab)

Giorgio Micheletti, Campus Brussels, Maastricht University, provisional title: The EU Digital Policy and the turbulent road to digital sovereignty – An initial evaluation (co-supervisor: Eliyahu Sapir)

Cecilia Schenetti, Maastricht University, provisional title: EU soft borders in Africa. How migration campaigns affect Senegalese youth’smigration imaginaries and sense of social justice (co-promoters: Valentina Mazzucato and Djamila Schans).

Sytze van Herck, Centre for Contemporary Digital History, University of Luxemburg, Re/constructing Computing Experiences. From punch girls in the 1940s to computer boys in the 1980s (awarded January 2022) (main supervisor: Andreas Fickers. I was a member of the supervisory committee together with Martin Theobald).

Kathleen Gregory, Maastricht University/DANS, Findable and Reusable? Data Discovery Practices in Research (awarded cum laude March 2021) (funded by NWO Creative Industries Programme) (co-promoters: Paul Groth and Andrea Scharnhorst) (awarded NWO Veni grant in 2024).

Anna Bon, Maastricht University, Intervention or Collaboration? Redesigning Information and Communication Technologies for Development (awarded December 2020) (co-promoter: Hans Akkermans).

Claudia Egher, Maastricht University, Mental Health Expertise Online: The enactment of expertise on major depression and bipolar disorder on online platforms in English and French (awarded December 2019) (recipient of NWO award for ‘PhDs in the humanities’, 2014) (co-promoter: Tamar Sharon).

Rafael Bienia, Maastricht University, Role Playing Materials (awarded April 2016) (co-promoter: Karin Wenz) (funded by NWO).

Jess Bier, Maastricht University: Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Segregated Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge (awarded April 2014) (co-promoter: Bas van Heur) (winner of Maastricht University Best Dissertation Prize, 2016 – for dissertations completed in 2014 & 2015) (awarded ERC Starting Grant in 2022).

Matthijs Kouw, Maastricht University, Pragmatic constructions. Simulation and the vulnerability of technological culture (awarded December 2012) (co-promoter: Wiebe Bijker).

Niels van Doorn, ASCoR, UvA, Digital Spaces, Material Traces. Investigating the performance of gender, sexuality, and embodiment on internet platforms that feature user-generated content (awarded February 2010) (promoter: Liesbet van Zoonen) (awarded NWO Rubicon Award in 2010, and ERC starter grant in 2017).

Vanessa Dirksen, FEE, UvA, Social imaginaries of technology and work. A Connective ethnography (awarded September 2007) (promoter: Rik Maes).

Tamara Witschge, ASCoR, UvA, In/difference online: The issue of immigration on the Internet (awarded May 2007) (promoter: Kees Brants) (awarded NWO Vidi grant in 2015).

Caroline Nevejan, ASCoR, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Presence and the design of trust (awarded April 2007) (promoter: Cees Hamelink).

Helen Kennedy, School of Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London, Digits and subjects: Autobiographies of multimedia and identity (awarded 2003) (co-supervisor: Nod Miller).

Member of examining committees of PhD dissertations at: University of Manchester; University of Sussex; Lancaster University; Universiteit van Amsterdam; Maastricht University; Universiteit Twente; Leiden University; Utrecht University; Erasmus University Rotterdam; Eindhoven University of Technology; Tilburg University; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; ITU Copenhagen; Universiteit Leuven; Universiteit Gent; University of Buffalo, US; VU University Amsterdam; Curtin University of Technology, Australia.

(Total of 60 – full list available upon request.)

Maastricht University

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, unless otherwise specified

BA Digital Society, ‘What is (a) Digital Society?’ (year 1), since 2019

MA PREMIUM project, about women in data science, 2020

BA MaRBLe project, Transparency in perspective (year 3), 2019. Students produced open access number of the MaRBLe journal, Surveillance societies under the microscope.

Honours+ seminar about gender diversity (lack of) in computer science, 2017-18; and about AI in clinical decision making (with Flora Lysen, 2021 & 2022)

BKO awarded in 2016 (Basic Teaching Qualification)

Honours seminar about the regulation of medicine and healthcare in the digital age, 2014 & 2015

CAST (Cultures of Art, Science and Technology) MA, ‘Changes in the science system’ (with Wiebe Bijker, 2010, 2011)

CAST MA, joint research project ´User-Generated Content´ (with Karin Wenz in 2008 and with Bas van Heur in 2009)

Supervision of CAST and ESST (Europe and Society, Science & Technology) masters’ dissertations (2007-cont.)

Supervision of University College Maastricht and other BA projects (occasional)

Netherlands Graduate Research School for Science, Technology and Modern Culture

WTMC – 2005-2010

Eleven three-day residential workshops on a variety of themes, including ‘user-producer relationships’, ‘citation cultures’, ‘normativity as object and as practice’, ‘research communities’

Five week-long summer schools with guest anchor teachers (Thomas Misa 2005; Susan Leigh Star 2006; Steven Yearley 2007; Andrew Feenberg 2008; David Nye 2009)

Two writing workshops per year for advanced PhD students

University of Amsterdam

Communicatiewetenschap 2000 – 2006

Co-ordination of PhD Internet club – fortnightly seminar to discuss work-in-progress

Supervision of ‘scripties’ (equivalent to MA dissertations)

MA seminar, ‘Informing ourselves to death’ (jointly with International School for Humanities & Social Sciences)

Year 2, ‘Internet, Communication and Technology’ (coordinator, lectures and seminar leader)

Year 2, International Communication (seminar leader)

Year 2, Wetenschapsfilosofie (Philosophy of Science) (seminar leader)

Year 2, Leeronderzoek, ‘Access to the Internet’ (research seminar – self-defined student projects)

Occasional lectures and dissertation supervision for MA in European Communication, International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS)

Sociale Wetenschappelijke Informatica (1999-2000)

Year 3-4 ‘Informatietechnologie, Economie en Werk’ (seminar)

Year 3-4 ‘Computer-Mediated Communication’ (seminar)

Year 2 ‘Innovatie, Organisatie en Informatiesystemen’ (seminar & lectures

University of East London


MA Society, Science and Technology in Europe – Course Tutor (1994-99)

‘Europe in an Information Society: Theory & Policy’

‘Contemporary problems of society, science and technology in Europe’

‘Entering the world of the laboratory’

supervision of dissertations

liaison with 12 partner universities in other European countries

International Coordinator (September 1996 – December 1999)

President (September 2008-11)

BSc (Hons) New Technology (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Year 3 ‘State of the Art in Information Technology’

Year 3 ‘Technology, Information & Consumption’

Year 1 ‘Innovation, Technology and Culture: Historical & Theoretical Perspectives’

Year 1 ‘IT and the Economy’

supervision of final year projects

First Year Tutor (responsible for all aspects of first year of degree, 1990-93

Brighton Polytechnic


Supervision of DMS (Diploma in Management Studies), MBA and MPhil dissertations

‘Research Methods’ to first year undergraduates and to postgraduates

‘Macroeconomics’ to first year undergraduates

Workers’ Education Association (WEA)

‘Women and Technology’ ten week adult education course, in 1983 and 1984 (taught collectively with other women)

University of Sussex


‘Introduction to Economics’ to second year science undergraduates

‘Economic Analysis of Social Problems’ to second year sociology undergraduates

‘Elementary Statistics’ to first year economics undergraduates